The Child Abuse Prevention Council would like to invite you to join us in our 2016 Public Safety Day and Ducky Derby with the Stockton PD! This is a family focused event in downtown Stockton.
Two years ago the CAPC introduced their Annual Ducky Derby, which will continue as one of our two main fund raisers for the year. This fundraiser supports the mission of the CAPC which is to strengthen families and protect the children of our community. While the event was a resounding success with over 7,000 adopted ducks racing toward the finish line, and more than 300 people in attendance. The committee members and volunteers noticed that families would have benefited from a broader range of activities to engage in. So this year we have partnered with the Stockton Police Youth Activities and Police Department to present an entire day of family fun.
Thus, we are introducing the Public Safety Day and Ducky Derby. This event will piggy-back on the Ducky Derby Race which has broad appeal and will generate a healthy attendance from the ongoing event from the Stockton Youth activities and PD. Based on the excitement generated in the last two years, we conservatively anticipate over 1,000 children and families to attend the event in 2016.
The Public Safety Day will feature: live entertainment, a Bike rodeo sponsored by Stockton highway patrol and PD, police youth activities, motorcycle and K-9 Demos, Crime prevention information, fingerprinting, displays for all ages, hands-on activities for kids and parents, as well as information and resource sharing,
The unique-ness of this event promises to draw significant media attention and become the must-see family-focused event in our community.
We hope you’ll consider partnering with us in this highly visible event by becoming a Sponsor. Be a part of the excitement this spring as we draw families together and raise much needed funds for the CAPC!
Jump in on the ground floor and race alongside us to help every family in our community stand up strong and healthy!
For more information, contact Shauna Buzunis-Jacob (209) 644-5318. Click Here to download the PDF Sponsorship packet.