The Child Abuse Prevention Council would like to invite you to join us in our 2016 Public Safety Day and Ducky Derby with the Stockton PD! This is a family focused event in downtown Stockton. Two years ago the CAPC introduced their Annual Ducky Derby, which will continue as one of our two main fund...Read More
Area businesses can purchase a gaggle of 50 ducks of different themes in direct support of the event: Theme Ducks – Purchase one-of-a-kind themed ducks representing many different industries in our community: we have Construction Ducks, Banker Ducks, Doctor Ducks, and many others. Be the first and only business to have the themed duck that...Read More
This year, we’re taking our social media campaign up a notch by creating scavenger hunts on Facebook that lead directly to area businesses in possession of an extra-large “Racer Duck”. Winners will post a picture of the found ducks in front of the business and receive a gift certificate from that business as a prize....Read More